Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mouse Trap Boat Images


I can not sleep. Fortunately it does not happen often. Once I've got wrote a post ...

Monday, October 18, 2010

5 Month Old Baby Has A Bad Cough

Weekend heavy

heavy weekend. Spent in the hospital with my son that made me suddenly aged ten years. E 'fell and hit her head back, other times it has happened that has been dropped or bumped my head, but this time unlike the others, and most importantly nothing ficozzo this time with vomiting and sonnoelnza later. Then race to the nearest emergency room, which unfortunately question Grassi hospital in Ostia which enjoys an excellent reputation. In any case, the emergency room and also to the department were all very nice and I have to say capable, though not no lack of flaws. Fortunately, the TAC has proven to be the norm and even the eye exam went well. E 'was 48 hours under close observation, however, partly because the blow had left the marks of stunning, and in fact the next morning he still had headaches and vomiting. The siutuazione fortunately has evolved for the better.
Hospital of the story and fats in particular, I think we can say that there are critical statiedue reportable (although as I say in general I can not lamenting the behavior of doctors and paramedics). The first is critical at the organizational level, children are placed in the pediatrics department with any type of problem and in particular there were some children with viral polomonite (with consequent risk to solve the problem for which you entered, and then get sick with pneumonia). The second type of problem in the professionalism of a doctor in particular (not fair to generalize). In fact the doctor who discharged my small, illustrating the situation has seen fit to tell us that even dermatologist and is also great not only for children and which also has a private practice and stretching sneak a business card said: " Put it in your pocket .

Friday, October 15, 2010

What Is A Good Side To Go With Swedish Meatballs

Two friends

I have two friends / colleagues, which are somewhat similar. Both are beautiful, that is (at least from my point of view) are not exactly models of fashion show. One is low (as opposed to mocking up he says), the other half is roscio bald and I think that the breath stinks too. In short, this description is not that seem very similar. In reality they have in common their ability to have huge success with women. Often I see them go out for lunch with colleagues prettiest, and it really seems that both are able to have a certain appeal.

few days ago I was at a meeting with Roscoe. In a moment of pause, in the secluded courtyard to smoke a cigarette said it was amazing how I saw it always accompanied by some nice young fellow. He started out short on me his conquests.
"You know Laura?"
"The one with the project contract working with Dr. Semenzaro"
"Ah ... that Laura"
"The other night we went out that night ... I do not know. Do not you know that your mouth ..."
E 'come quickly in the details. Then he told me also to Miss Carla Ass Department. And Lucia cats eyes. I listened with some embarrassment, because Carla and Lucy know them very well and one of them is even married (and I also know Ilmari). Then, fortunately, we had to return to the meeting.

Yesterday, however I had lunch with the other high. Even to him I expressed my surprise at his success with women. He looked at me with a wry smile. Then I asked him what he meant. He raised his eyes to heaven, is the voice brightened for a moment and said:
"Look Mark, I know a lot of rumors running. I do that on the third floor, I've got a history with the architect Melandri . A month ago I was stuck in an elevator with Carla closed in the evening, after we have released, we came together and met at the restaurant which has the gossip of Lucia and figured that what was not said in the office the next day. Actually I have a good relationship with women, but I assure you everything does not go beyond the talk. Really, do not look like that ... I am happy if I get on well with a woman and I have an exchange with her. But I do not go beyond the talk, whatever they say around. I have some good female friends. And I do not regret. Have done so makes me happy being able to pass a good time and just ... I know it's hard to believe but I did not go to bed with me that none of the women are assigned.

Similar, but different. Sincere? O liars? Who lies and who does not?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cold Sore Infected Impetigo

the agonizing spectacle of news

Television Pain, of the television crime news, the news of the monster, the one who saw the wasp and its models, the news live, tears worldwide, lapolitica-lacronaca-latelevisione, we are the monsters, the monster is inside us, the monster is inside you, voyeur, blood splatter, psychiatrists table, the psychopathology of voyeurs, the dynamics of fists, guns to taxi drivers, but also to the garbage collectors, but also for pharmacists, storage brains, brains turned off and the tv on, by all splashing brains leparti, the spectacle of death, the spectacle of sex, the tragedies and comedies, comedy, tragedy, the harrowing spectacle of news.
And to think that everything has changed and what has started in June of 1981 ...

Baustelle "Alfredo" - (from CD "Amen" - 2008)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fix A Flat Screen Dark Spot

The star, cross, crescent

Roger Waters anti-Semitic? no joking matter. Yet a video aired during the world tour of The Wall seems to have offended anyone. Director Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (a not exactly famous association against anti-Semitism) has criticized the former Pink Floyd bassist for having approached the Star of David to the dollar. In fact if you watch the video and especially if it is interpreted by connecting to the song that accompanies it (Goodbye Blue Sky), the symbol will also appear in others (the Christian cross, the Islamic crescent, the symbol of Shell and Mercedes) and are likely to symbolize the symbols for which you are fighting in wars around the world (religious or pseudo-religious reasons, economic reasons and for control of energy resources). Of course, no other representative of other Organizations had something to say.
Roger Waters to bounce the allegations and urged Foxman to go see the show before making judgments.
What makes me think is that as soon as you criticize Israel in any way immediately being accused of anti-Semitism.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Watch Sean Cody Free Online

Mazzullo RIP Paul

E 'dead Paul Mazzullo. It 'was one of the DJ and was the founding leader and father master, Rock Radio. A 53 years old. E 'success in the past few rounds, I think October 6 last year. Rock Radio is a radio radio absolutely different from other "free" since its inception in the mid 80s. It still is, although I would say there were physiological changes. Incidentally in almost thirty years it is inevitable that something will change. Yet RR has remained something unique Roman and perhaps the national airwaves. Over time, some items are missing historic radio, probably in some cases do not always replaced by dj worthy of its predecessors. In other cases, the arrival of new vessels has led to new sap on the radio, surely the space between all of Emilio Pappagallo morning. In any case, Paul Mazzullo had the merit of being able to grow a radio different from anything you can normally find in FM. E 'has often been criticized for not being any date stamp on the radio, of course is that often when you take a microphone in hand on the radio you risk straparlare. For sure the radio is capable of organizing a large collection of solidarity on the occasion of the earthquake that Aquila little to do with the indifference and a lot with the ability to make and act concretely.
Among those who were well aware there are those who say that Paul Mazzullo had a temper. It makes a beautiful (no frills) description Boris Sollazzo.

Some time ago on the recommendation of a friend I have in imbattutto radiorock the original, a radio pod was born on the ashes of disputes between the founders of rock radio. Rock Radio DJs historians have accused Paul Mazzullo have made them out of the radio. Certainly over the years the radio has changed, but as I wrote it was inevitable to happen. But change does not mean approval, and I believe there is still much difference between sound and size Rock Radio DJs or radio or any radio playlist that goes from pre-packaged labels.

not followed very Mazzullo as a DJ, but I am grateful for the product RADIO ROCK, that although it may still be room for improvement (whatever it is human), is the radio that I listen to most. Along with Radio24, retesport, radio future city.
Greetings Mazzullo ...

How Many Volts In A Taser

We can ...

We can be friends and also anything we want

(Muriel Barbery - The Elegance of the Hedgehog)