Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fix A Flat Screen Dark Spot

The star, cross, crescent

Roger Waters anti-Semitic? no joking matter. Yet a video aired during the world tour of The Wall seems to have offended anyone. Director Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (a not exactly famous association against anti-Semitism) has criticized the former Pink Floyd bassist for having approached the Star of David to the dollar. In fact if you watch the video and especially if it is interpreted by connecting to the song that accompanies it (Goodbye Blue Sky), the symbol will also appear in others (the Christian cross, the Islamic crescent, the symbol of Shell and Mercedes) and are likely to symbolize the symbols for which you are fighting in wars around the world (religious or pseudo-religious reasons, economic reasons and for control of energy resources). Of course, no other representative of other Organizations had something to say.
Roger Waters to bounce the allegations and urged Foxman to go see the show before making judgments.
What makes me think is that as soon as you criticize Israel in any way immediately being accused of anti-Semitism.


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