Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Negative Effects Of Inclined Palne


A note on ' friend found, perhaps not everyone will believe that in my class in high school were:
Zibi Boniek, Carlo Ancelotti, Roberto Pruzzo, Manuel Gerolin, Emidio Oddi, Michael Laudrup, Franco Tancredi, Manfredonia , Falcao, Vierchowod, Paolo Rossi, Michel Platini, Ciccio Graziani and not just football! There were also Lara Le Bon (a those days there was always at least one Le Bon in each class) Vic Nik, Sherlock Holmes, Gabriella Dorio, Maruschka Detmers, Carla Fracci, Wilt Chamberlain, Katia Ricciarelli, Brigitte Bardot, Ivan Lendl, Angelo Branduardi, Gianna Nannini.

Be 'will not believe but I was one of them, one as many others.

Sebino Nela.


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